This is the link to a fascinating guy and his faithful mutt as they traverse the country vagabond style. I am so envious of them. By the way, when I no longer can handle just being on 2 wheels, I will get a version of his rig. Love it. I would nix the BMW part though (too expensive and finicky) and replace it with possibly a Yamaha Super Tenere 1200.
What I really think I enjoy about him and his touring - in contrast to my touring style - is the pace of his travel. It is something I commented on before, but his story really cemented the idea of..,..taking my time. Relax. Go slower; meander more. Stop and investigate, experience things, write more and take more pictures, meet more people. Don't be in such a hurry to get to the next place where you're not expected anyhow. There is no hurry. I have the whole Summer off.
I am really going to try to calm my anxious, productive self and slow down. Camping and cooking for myself will aid in that endeavor. If it takes me 2 or 3 days to roll through a town, so what? Whose counting?
I fee like my blessed life is a taut guitar string which has the ability to make its own music. But come Spring, that string feels like a steel cable; strong but inflexible, static and making no sound, fighting the rhythm of life and muscling its way through it. All the more so until the bike leaves my street, the wind hits my face and I see the sun breaking the horizon to greet me, as if to say, "Where have you been?" It is then that cable loosens to become the guitar string again. Music once again is playing inside of me and exuding out my pores. Somewhere in the solo journey, that string turns into a ribbon; flowing loosely in beautiful shapes that are hard to describe....but I surrender to it.
It is there I find my real self.
When the wife asks me this time how long will this trip be, I will say with a smile, "I have no idea," and let it be. As life does, the road unfolds and holds its own agenda and timetable.